Humagne Blanc
About this grape variety
It was widely planted until the 19th century but by the start of the 20th century it had virtually disappeared. Now, little by little, Humagne is making a comeback. It is a delicate grape that requires good care and a carefully limited harvest. But when it is planted on the right slopes it can give a surprising wine that is very pure, fresh, long in mouth, both subtle and elegant, with notes of linden blossom.
Its aromatic profile when young is similar to that of Fendant, but with age this is a wine that has extraordinary qualities—an absolute must!
Humagne Blanc
26.9 ha out of 4675 ha, or 0.57%
Tasting profile
82 wine producers cultivate this grape variety
Find a cellarAnecdote
It was called "new mothers’ wine" around 1815 due to its presumed high iron content.
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