About this grape variety
It is a plant of medium vigour, with good resistance to disease and rot. It ripens during the same period as most Pinots and Gamay.
100.7 ha out of 4675 ha, or 2.15%
Tasting profile
115 wine producers cultivate this grape variety
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Taste this grape variety
11 wines from this cellar
Cave Mabillard Vérène et Jean-Claude
Vérène and Jean-Claude Mabillard run the estate’s business with skill and flair, producing wines of exquisite quality with an excellent reputation.
25 wines from this cellar
Maison Gilliard
Maison Gilliard has created some iconic wines : Dôle des Monts in 1886, Fendant Les Murettes in 1921, and the legendary Porte de Novembre in 1960.
16 wines from this cellar
Christophe Jacquod
The 3.7-hectare estate is located mainly in the municipality of Sion (for the red grapes) and on the slopes of St-Léonard (for the white grapes).
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