About this grape variety
It is a plant of medium vigour, with good resistance to disease and rot. It ripens during the same period as most Pinots and Gamay.
100.7 ha out of 4675 ha, or 2.15%
Tasting profile
116 wine producers cultivate this grape variety
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Taste this grape variety
16 wines from this cellar
Cave des Tilleuls
Marc-Henri, Fabienne Cottagnoud and Laurent have been working together for 19 years now, fuelled by a shared passion for vines and wine.
26 wines from this cellar
La Siseranche
Today, Maurice Giroud and his nephew Ludovic Favre offer 30 different wines produced from a 6-hectare estate.
14 wines from this cellar
Jean-Camille Juilland (JCJ)
The Juilland family works 3 hectares and offers 17 different wines including a few unique specialities as Carminoir and two blends of white in barrels.
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