
About this wine

Canton Valais, with its warm and sunny climate, lends itself naturally to rosé wines. The best time to enjoy these is the middle of summer, on a shady terrace, with one of the specialties, Oeil-de-Perdrix, served well chilled (8°C).

Oeil-de-Perdrix is made only from Pinot Noir and has a colour range that runs from slightly golden to a deep rich salmon. This is a true wine, in the sense that it is not a byproduct made from a red wine but a completely separate wine. Its colour depends on the length of time the grape skins remain in contact with the must before fermentation sets in. Classy, velvety, in mouth it is often carried by a fresh liveliness. It is an excellent aperitif wine, or it can be served with light summer meals such as cold dishes, mixed salads, country buffet foods.


  • Palate

    Classy, velvety, in mouth it is often carried by a fresh liveliness.

  • Food and Wine pairing

    An excellent aperitif wine, or with light summer meals such as cold dishes, mixed salads, country buffet foods


100% Pinot Noir

75 wine producers cultivate this grape variety

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Taste this grape variety


15 wines from this cellar

Nouveau St-Clément - C. Lamon & Cie SA

No fewer than 13 grape varieties, including 6 indigenous ones, are grown on the 7.5 hectares farmed. The soils guarantee the production of quality.


27 wines from this cellar

Johanniterkellerei - Kuonen & Grichting

Their fine wines produced from grapes grown in the sunniest region of Switzerland are vinified and bottled with great care.


19 wines from this cellar

Leukersonne - Damian Seewer

Tradition, quality and a passion for wine have been the company's guiding principles from the outset. They offer a wide range of top-quality wines.

Your tasting profile

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apricots, citrus fruits, exotic or red fruits, almonds, etc.Fruity

violet, elder, lime, rose, etc.Floral

low in alcohol, low in tanninsLight


intense alcohol, acidity and aromasFull

dominated by acid, which gives the wine a fresh appearanceCrisp


without acidity, round, smoothSoft

no residual sugarDry


mellow wine, fairly supple, fleshyRich

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