About us
Who are we?
We are the umbrella organisation that promotes and protects the commercial interests of Valais wines. Scroll down to learn more
Our association
4 names for one association
Swiss Wine Valais, Valais wines, Interprofession de la Vigne et du Vin du Valais or IVV
5 member organisations
Fédération valaisanne des vignerons, Oberwalliser Weinbauverband, Union des Vignerons Encaveurs du Valais, Société des pépiniéristes-viticulteurs valaisans, Société des Encaveurs de Vins du Valais
3 main missions
Defend the interests of the sector, promote Valais’s wines and vineyards, guarantee the quality of Valais wines
1 office
Responsible for implementing the missions based on priorities determined by the committee and commissions
Our team
Your tasting profile
Select your favourite type of wine or indicate what you are looking for in a wine and find out which Valais wine is right for you.