Restaurants Saveurs du Valais


The “Saveurs du Valais” (Flavours of Valais) label is awarded to restaurants that showcase regional, authentic dishes. 

The restaurants must meet certain criteria: 
> They use AOP/IGP labelled products and Valais-brand products 
> They serve a platter of local specialities at any time of day 
> They offer at least three hot dishes and two desserts made from Valais produce 
> They serve seasonal fruit, vegetables, cheese and other fresh produce from Valais 
> They offer a wine list with at least eight wines specific to Valais, including two served by the glass 
> They showcase Abricotine and pear brandy from Valais AOP 


Restaurants Saveurs du Valais


Valais/Wallis Promotion

Rue Pré Fleuri 6 - CP 1469 - 1951 Sion

See on map

Your tasting profile

Select your favourite type of wine or indicate what you are looking for in a wine and find out which Valais wine is right for you.

apricots, citrus fruits, exotic or red fruits, almonds, etc.Fruity

violet, elder, lime, rose, etc.Floral

low in alcohol, low in tanninsLight


intense alcohol, acidity and aromasFull

dominated by acid, which gives the wine a fresh appearanceCrisp


without acidity, round, smoothSoft

no residual sugarDry


mellow wine, fairly supple, fleshyRich

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