- Leytron

About the winery

La Creuse: a locality. Elsewhere they say: the valley. In these hollows, these valleys, it is sometimes very hot. When the sun shines there, it is like an oven, hence known as the valleys of hell. We have never called it the hollow of hell here. It is a small vineyard of shale and loessial soils, quartz and sand. With oaks and dry grasses. Fig trees, almond trees and olive trees! Lizards in the sun and singing cicadas. Badgers at night because they can dig burrows in the loessial soils. We put the badger on the label... to render it inoffensive.

The ancients spoke of Muscat de la Creuse. It was a reputation. There are always Muscats thanks to tradition. Today there is a red Humagne… and white because of the flag… of a rebirth.

Ah, there is still a Mazot. The Mazot is hospitality. Guérin Produit is happy to welcome you to the estate.


  • Wine tourism

    • Tasting package



Château de Villa

This is the largest wine cellar in Valais, with 650 select wines and the expertise of more than 110 of the canton’s winemakers.

Plan your tasting

    Opening hours

    By appointment


    60 people

Wine list

Award-winning wines

  • Muscat Muté


Your tasting profile

Select your favourite type of wine or indicate what you are looking for in a wine and find out which Valais wine is right for you.

apricots, citrus fruits, exotic or red fruits, almonds, etc.Fruity

violet, elder, lime, rose, etc.Floral

low in alcohol, low in tanninsLight


intense alcohol, acidity and aromasFull

dominated by acid, which gives the wine a fresh appearanceCrisp


without acidity, round, smoothSoft

no residual sugarDry


mellow wine, fairly supple, fleshyRich

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